February 14, 2024

“Insomnia Strikes Again...”



7:59 AM

Yeah, there’s a reason for the name of this journal. I at least managed not to get up and wander last night, but I only got a few hours of sleep. It’s nothing short of a small miracle that I didn’t sleep through my alarm this morning.

I’m going to bury my head in hardware and see how long I last today; I’m trying to force myself onto a regular schedule by simply getting up at the same time every morning, so it may be an early night to compensate for last night’s lack of sleep.

We’ll see.

In the mean time… hardware.

9:18 AM - “UGH!”

My gardener just put a rock through one of my windows.

It’s going to be one of those days…

11:26 AM

Time flies. Schematic is complete, parts are picked out, and now I need to draw up a few custom part footprints. Then I can lay out the board and see what I think…

First, lunch.

5:12 PM

Where did the day go?

I’ve made some serious progress. I have the footprints laid out, and the layout for the front of the device is fairly solid. I still need to tinker a bit with a few bits and bobs before locking in the component placement on the back side. And then… well, routing should be fairly easy in the grand scheme.

And then I can get it made.

I’m really impatient. This is taking much longer than I anticipated to get moving, but it will make a very good prototype…

Ah well. I’ll probably be back at it this evening – I’m in that state where I really don’t want to put it down – but for the moment, I need food.

We’ll see if I manage to stay away tonight…

9:33 PM

Yeah, I couldn’t leave well enough alone.

The majority of the board is routed. There are a number of DRC issues that need attention (no surprise there), and I need to go over the design with a fine toothed comb before submitting it, but it’s otherwise done. I expect the corrections will take a bit, but it shouldn’t be too horrible…

And with that, I need to go try to spin down and get some sleep…